#ChristmasInJuly #solstice #wintersolstice Christmas Songsby Gerta Kennedy Bring every childbring each branch and stembent, beautiful, or wild; bring each thirsty faceand every beast and birdbeyond the holy wordthat our ladyof the snows,lady of blue and of the rosemay affirmearth’s whole grace.Her embroidered hemas she passeswill…

#ChristmasInJuly #writingprompt Originally posted in December 2012. People keep telling me, “Jesus is the reason for the season,” but you know what? He isn’t. I mean, I’m a practicing Christian (might get it right someday, if I practice enough), so I’m a fan, but you…

I’m not on TikTok (I know, but somebody has to not be, and I drew the short straw), but The Morning Brew newsletter linked me to @mynameiskarleigh’s post about how to remove your name from mailing lists. It costs $2.00 USD online and $3.00 USD…