#ThursdayDoors #poetry #writingprompt Again, I haven’t been anywhere with new doors, so I’ve gone to my bookshelves for help. When I was wee, my mother gave me THE GOLDEN BOOK OF POETRY. You might say it opened the doors to poetry for me. You can…

#ThursdayDoors #poetry #writingprompt Again, I haven’t been anywhere with new doors, so I’ve gone to my bookshelves for help. When I was wee, my mother gave me THE GOLDEN BOOK OF POETRY. You might say it opened the doors to poetry for me. You can…
#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #whitecats #Tipper #TipperLordSnowbottom #SirSniffsalot Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? The hoomans had a nelection, and Momma went, ’cause she goes every time the hoomans give a nelection, and she didn’t have a good time this time. I hate…
This post is part of StoryADay May (https://storyaday.org/) #StoryADay #StoryADayMay @storyadaymay #freeshortstory #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrikeOnline Did you know honeybees aren’t native to the Americas? There are tons of native bees, though, that specialize in pollinating native plants like squash, blueberries, and tomatoes. Did you know bees…