#ThursdayDoors #writingprompt Back to the books. This time, it’s AT HOME IN THE HEARTLAND: MIDWESTERN DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE by Robert Winter. Whether your jam is doors, staircases, facades, or architecture in general, this book is da bomb! A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Does anybody…

#ThursdayDoors #writingprompt I did get out this week, but I didn’t get any door pictures, so I’m sharing some from CHINESE WATERCOLORS by Josef Hejzlar. There are relatively few buildings in this book, and those there are are mere suggestions of buildings with mere suggestions…

#ThursdayDoors #EdwardHopper #writingprompt I’m still snowed in, so I raided Charlie’s art books for some doors. Edward Hopper painted a lot of structures from inside and from outside, so his paintings are rife with windows and doors, perspectives, views, outlooks, introspection, and regard. Hopper is…