Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Momma has been really really sad this week, so I’ve been giving her extra purrs and snuggles. I’ve also been digging up Poppa’s aloe plants to kick up a fuss and distract her. Momma says her friend,…

Let’s be clear: Jane was no angel. She had a short fuse and a foul mouth. In any pro/am-level sayfuckathon between Jane, Robert De Niro, a drill sergeant, and a drunken sailor, the smart money would be on Jane. She could out-profane a platoon of…

Jane and I, as I said, were fanatical Dark Shadows fans. We each had multiple translations of the I Ching, entirely because of our devotion to Dark Shadows. Episode 700, the Dark Shadows Wiki tells me, was the introduction of the I Ching into the…