#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #whitecats #Tipper #TipperLordSnowbottom #SirSniffsalot Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? When Momma wants to keep ants out of the house, she sprinkles talcum powder around inside the door. Now she wants to keep me in, so she sprinkled talcum…

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #calico #calicocats #scottishfold #scottishfoldlovers #Adi #AdiLadyFluffington #FrauleinProfessorOverknocker Hewwo. Um, my name is Adi, okay? I gotted in trubble de odder night cause I was crying inna bafroom and when EverMom came to see what was wrong, I was wanting her to…

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #blackandwhitecats #Chickie #MamzelleChickieLaSilk HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! I got over Tipper sneaking out and not minding me when I meowed for him to come in, and we booped noses and made up, but I wanted Mommy to know we COULD…