Hewwo. Um, I’m Adi, okay? EverMom is so fun! She likes to play games. Like hide and seek. She isn’t bery good at it, though. She nebber finds me. One time I hid inna baffroom behind de shower curtain. An’ one time I hid unner…

Hewwo. Um, I’m Adi, okay? I been playing inna TV room, where the toys are. I mostly just sleep inna front room so I can cover all the company chairs in nice fluffy fur, but I play sometimes, too. I play inna mermaid, mostly. An…

Hewwo! Um, I’m Adi, okay? PapaJoe took me home from where I was bornded. He says I’m a regular long-haired Scottish Fold, and dat means I dot sticky-up ears and long hair. PapaJoe worked at night and closed off the light in the day so…