Good News, Bad News, WTF #FridayRecommends

RoseOh, Facebook, Facebook, how could I quit you? I’ve found so much stuff on Facebook this week!

Like this article about the successful photographs taken of light behaving as a wave and a particle at the same time! What, you don’t think that’s awesome? No geek cred for you!

I have a cast iron pan that I never use, because I couldn’t figure out how to clean it without ruining the seasoning. Here’s how. Thanks, HuffPo!

If there’s anything I like more than a recipe that only calls for four ingredients, it’s a recipe that only calls for three. If that recipe fills a dietary requirement for a friend or relation, so much the better. Here’s a recipe for a flourless, three-ingredient peanut butter cake. If I had a jar of peanut butter to hand, I’d make one right now.

The bad news is, women are held responsible for their own abuse in India. The good news is, somebody is out to change that. Meet Priya, the Best. Superhero. Ever.

Want some more bad news? Here’s a lioness who can totally open a car door like it ain’t no thang. So lock ’em if you got ’em. Otherwise, it’s meals on wheels for the cubs.

High on my WTF register this week is the news that supposed herbivores are actually omnivores. It would take some of the mostly vegetarian wind out of my sails, if I were vegetarian on principle rather than general preference. I mean, if cows eat chickens, where do cows get off giving me a big brown-eyed guilt-trip look? Hypocrites!

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Someone turns out to be much more dangerous than your main character expected.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Good News, Bad News, WTF #FridayRecommends

  1. Jane

    March 6, 2015 at 9:22am

    I liked the science link. The Factor. They have an online FREE magazine, too!

    As for the prompt: more dangerous than it looks:
    Heinlein wrote a survivalist book (sort of) that reinforced this lesson.
    It was sort of Wagon Train in space.
    Hmm. There’s an idea…..

    How much snow did you get???
    I’ve measured 10″ and suspect some spots of being three feet. Well. It’s not like I’m going out there to find out. You should see the cats’ Princess House. It looks like an iced gingerbread hut.

    I’ve shoveled out right around the back door so I can feed the critters. Then I brushed off four of their perches, so the sun can clear them off. Now they’ll be able to bask in the sun the next few days until the Artic Snowfall has gone away.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      March 6, 2015 at 10:30am

      Hard to tell how much snow we got, since it was a blowing snow. AT LEAST 8-10″, and more where it drifted. A neighbor with a little ATV fitted with a snowplow decided to go up and down the road and clear everybody’s driveway “for fun”. Bless his li’l pea-pickin’ heart!

      I expect to see pictures of the Gingerbread Princess House next time we meet. 🙂

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