Morning in Columbus

Like morning everywhere, it comes very early in the day. Ugh. Having a good time here at Marcon, especially since this hotel is within

Path from last year's parking lot to last year's hotel

walking distance from the convention hotel, which is more than we could say of the convention hotel’s own parking lot. Last year, we paid through the nose — through all our noses — for parking, then schlepped all our stuff (including books to sell) through a maze of stairs, escalators, pedways and corridors designed, as T. Lee Harris said, by M. C. Escher.

We did a panel on Blogging 4 Writers last night which was actually attended. If you guys are reading this, and you do start or update your blogs, drop me an email or a comment so I can come visit you. 🙂

Blogging for writers:

  • do it
  • at least twice a week
  • not too many bells, whistles and flashy thingies
  • deliver content

Just had my first cup of coffee. Ahhhhh!

Sample Sunday tomorrow, then back on Monday.

WRITING PROMPT: If your main character were asked to give a speech or participate in a panel, what would be the subject? Write that scene. You don’t have to use it anywhere, just write it.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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