I’m languishing here in durance vile on a beautiful island where the Christmas lights are strung on palm trees, eating crab by the pound and working on my writing. It’s a tough life, but I know I have to suffer for my art.
Meanwhile, Holly Jahangiri has been posting at The Next Goal about the qualities of a winner. I recommend them to your attention.
She takes as her text the Boy Scout Law.
A Scout is:
- Trustworthy,
- Loyal,
- Helpful,
- Friendly,
- Courteous,
- Kind,
- Obedient,
- Cheerful,
- Thrifty,
- Brave,
- Clean,
- and Reverent.
The words aren’t all links to posts because some of them are grouped together in one post, but they’re all covered. And, of course, a winner follows the Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared.
I’m sorry, Holly, but it’s inevitable that I add this:
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to do some more tough research for a story I’m writing about a woman trapped in Paradise.
WRITING PROMPT: Did your main character belong to a youth organization like the Scouts? Why or why not? If so, what did he or she learn from it?
Sarah Glenn
December 19, 2011 at 8:07pmI love Tom Lehrer! That’s one of my favorite songs from him, too.
Marian Allen
December 19, 2011 at 9:22pmOedipus Rex. 😀
Holly Jahangiri
December 15, 2011 at 11:41amNo offense taken – you have good taste in men, too! 😉
Sheeeee invented medicinal compound
’twas efficacious in ev-er-y case!!
Holly Jahangiri
December 15, 2011 at 10:22amI’m sure you think I’m kidding, Marian – unless you actually have dug waaaaay back in my archives (and such dedication would border on, well, charmingly stalkerish). But here, I offer up the proof:
Marian Allen
December 15, 2011 at 11:31amNo offense but, if Imma stalk somebody, it’ll be, like, Johnny Depp, yeah?
None of your videos played–just showed me static photos. HOWEVER, I knew some of them already. By heart.
Weeeeeeeeeeee’ll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The savior o-OF
The human ra-a-a-ace….
Separated. At. Birth.
Red Tash
December 15, 2011 at 10:17amI’m beginning to wonder if you need rescuing… 😉
Marian Allen
December 15, 2011 at 10:20amOh, yes. help help 😉
Holly Jahangiri
December 15, 2011 at 9:18amSORRY?? LOL – it’s just more evidence that we MUST share DNA. Thanks for recommending me, Marian – I’m honored, “on my honor!”
Marian Allen
December 15, 2011 at 10:05amWell you will insist on writing great posts, so what else can I do? 🙂