I get so many spam comments (which I call “spomments”) that I’ve created a page on Facebook for them: Spomment of the Day. The one I posted today was from W__ L__ Caterer, who said, “How much meat to buy per person for catering?”
Holly Jahangiri responded, saying, “You could’ve made a whole post out of that. A parody of Monty Python, perhaps. Something about ‘How much spam can a post carry?’ and work in something about bacon (good for SEO, I tell you, you can’t go wrong with bacon) and ‘when pigs fly.'” I’m not certain if that last bit was meant to be a plug for Bob Sanchez’ novel of that name, but let it be so: WHEN PIGS FLY, by Bob Sanchez.
The topic of bacon actually did come up yesterday, in a visit my mother and I paid to my cousin and Mom’s junior-high friend, Jean. Yes, that’s right. ANYWAY, I said that my husband is almost totally vegetarian, but sometimes we have jowl bacon, the only meat he ever craves. Mom and Jean were raised thinking jowl was the only bacon there was, and they can’t stand it. Charlie, raised the same, loves it. I never had it until I married Charlie, and I love it, too.
Here is a Wikipedia article on bacon, in case you don’t know the difference between jowl bacon, American bacon, Canadian bacon, and British rashers. You’re welcome.
And, because we all care about health (unless we’re eating bacon), here is what Mark’s Daily Apple has to say about bacon in relation to “Primal Living in the Modern World”.
Jowl, by the way, rhymes with bowl, not growl.
WRITING PROMPT: Something a parent dislikes because of childhood familiarity becomes a favorite of the parent’s grown child.
March 30, 2012 at 8:06pmJust headed to your Facebook page to read some “spomments.” Clever name. It is amazing what kind of junk gets sent, isn’t?
Marian Allen
March 30, 2012 at 9:24pmIt is, indeed! It makes me appreciate folks who actually take the time to read the post and interact with me. Glad to see you again, Kyle! How did you get into the toaster oven review business?
L. Diane Wolfe
March 29, 2012 at 1:10pmI really miss Canadian Bacon. It’s hard to find the veggie kind here.
Marian Allen
March 29, 2012 at 2:01pmMake your own! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/faken-veggie-bacon/
Matthew MacNish
March 29, 2012 at 10:10amHi Marian. Just dropping in to follow as your A to Z co-host. Nice to meet you!
Marian Allen
March 29, 2012 at 1:58pmHi, Matthew! I visited your site, too, but had nothing to add to your critique. Good to meet you, too! Looking forward to A-to-Z. 🙂 Thanks for helping to make it happen.