Last Tuesday, I followed the rules for The Next Big Thing blog meme, talking about SAGE and tagging five other writers to talk about their works-in-progress. But now I’ve met someone new, and, as often happens when one meets someone new, the rules are going out the window.
No, calm down, I’m not having an affair (although, if I did, dollars to donuts I’d blog about it — these posts don’t write themselves, you know). I just met a writer on Twitter and I’m tagging her. Against the rules? Ha! I laugh your rules to scorn! Come and get me, Copper!!
So here is writer 6 of 5:
Ryder Islington. Her Twitter bio says: Writer of psychological drama. The stuff people are made of. Near victim of a serial killer. Retired from law enforcement and living the wrtier’s dream.
The cover of her latest book has, like, a linoleum cutter with blood dripping off of it, so I probably won’t be reading that one any time in this life, but I love her style.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character breaks a rule.