I’ll tell the world! Check out that Beatle-y hairdo.
And, oh! if this picture were only in color! That dress was a shift with three cloth ruffles on the bottom. The dress was sherbert orange with little pink polka-dots on it, and two of the ruffles were also orange with pink polks-dots, with the other being pink and orange stripes.
It was so ’60s, it probably smoked dope when I wasn’t watching.
I was so totally NOT groovy, I can’t imagine how my grandmother talked me into wearing something so fashionable. It was bound to have been Gramma’s doing; she was always trying to get me to act my age instead of being such a little old lady. I wish she were still alive; I think she’d appreciate how much I’ve immatured.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character does or has one thing that’s in fashion.
July 3, 2014 at 12:55pmWow! Super groovy indeed!
This looks like a picture of Ms Sara Marian. How totally with it!
Marian Allen
July 3, 2014 at 1:43pmOh, I wish! When Sara Marian was about this age, though, she had a Mohawk that she spiked to the sky.