MomGoth is off again. She’s in Indianapolis this weekend, at Magna cum Murder mystery convention.
She says she’s going to have a surprise the week after she gets back. I wonder what it is? Maybe she’s going to bring me something from the convention. If it isn’t something to eat, I won’t pay any attention to it; I hope she knows that.
I hate not knowing what she’s doing. I’m used to seeing her at least twice a day. I’m not sure she knows how to behave without my being around to keep her straight.
Maybe if I turn my laser eyes up to High, I can see her.No, it doesn’t work. I’m looking as hard as I can, and all it did was burn holes in the curtain. Fortunately, the holes are behind the couch, so I won’t get in trouble for it.
Oh, well. She’ll be home tomorrow.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you ever wonder what your human does when they’re away from you?
October 25, 2014 at 10:17amWhen I was working unpredictable shifts as a bartender, my boy Blackjack gave up on trying to figure out my schedule. He just sang and chirped everytime he heard me coming up the stairs to our apartment. It was a much-appreciated welcome.
Marian Allen
October 25, 2014 at 2:37pmWhat a sweetheart he was! 🙂