Drifting With a Tardigrade On a Bottletop #FridayRecommends

Friday RecommendsFriday bo-biday tee-aligo-tiday — FRIDAY!

Do you know Gretchen Kelley of Drifting Through My Open Mind? If not, I highly recommend her! Here is a post that everyone who cares about females needs to read. For real.

Now, if you don’t know about the tardigrade, join the club. I just learned about it AND IT’S AWESOME. It’s a microscopic critter that can live just about anywhere at any temperature. Kind of like a cockroach, only better. If I ever become microscopic, I am totally going to get one for a pet. Or serve one as a pet, depending. I would name it Terrance. Terrance the Tardigrade. He would blog for me on Tuesdays.

I’m reading this aMAZing book called BOTTLETOPS FOR BATTLESHIPS: SYLVIE’S WAR. It’s based on my friend Andrea Gilbey’s mother’s memories of being a child during World War II. I’m reading it aloud to my mom, who was also a child during those years, and we’re having a great time. Mom’s memory is fading, but she’s loving the stories, and I can stop often and ask if she did this or that and sometimes she remembers something from way back when and it tickles us both. For a limited time, Andrea is donating a portion of her earnings from this book to War Child, a group of organizations that help children impacted by armed conflict to recover their lives.

Andrea has written a slew of books, most of which were done to benefit the Davy Jones Equine Memorial Foundation. That’s the kind of hairpin she is.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: What is your main character’s favorite charity?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Drifting With a Tardigrade On a Bottletop #FridayRecommends

  1. Jane

    December 4, 2015 at 8:50am

    Great recommends.
    The link to the anti-sexist “rant” was right on the mark. I once tried to explain to a male friend, we’ll call him Gary, that it was great he was jogging in the evening, but that I could not. He’s a big guy. He really doesn’t have to worry as the hour slides into darkness. Finally, he got it; that it was ALL the time that I had to worry about being a tiny woman outside all alone. He totally admitted that he had never realized this before. I appreciated that. And I’ll give him points for knowing me enough to consider me formidable in most situations. Perhaps that made it harder for him to realize the truth: that women in his world don’t see things the same way as he gets to. I also had the privilege of having him take me seriously, which (let’s face it) most people find boring when the topic turns to seeing things through another’s eyes. Yawn.

    Callie’s favorite charity is hte Blood Bank!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 4, 2015 at 9:51am

      The fact that a woman is formidable makes her MORE of a target to the bad guys who want to prove something. The old “You have spirit! I like a woman with spirit!” cliche is all too true. God.

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