Chickie the Cat Counselor #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE!

My brother, Tipper, was SO BAD this week! The weather has been the nicest I ever saw in my whole two years of life. Mommy and Poppy opened the windows and doors and let the good smells in.

But that wasn’t enough for Tipper.

He said, “Cover me. I’m making a break for it.”

I said, “You better not. It’s too crowded out there.”

He said, “I know all about your nephews and nieces and sisters and cousins and aunts and all. And I know about the cats from up the road and down the road. I’m still going out!”

I said, “Not just regular cats. Haven’t you seen those weird cats in the front and back?”

I had to whisper about them, ’cause they scare me.

Mommy took pictures of them. I’m gonna close my eyes while you look at them, ’cause they make me nervous.

But Tipper wouldn’t listen. He snucked out, anyway!

Mommy talked sweet to him until he let her pick him up and bring him in. Then he wanted to smack me around because he was all biggety and smelled like outside.

But I’m a big cat now, and I said, “Listen, buster! You be bad all you want to, but you don’t come back in and be bad to me! get it?”

He got it.


You got anything to say to the people, Tipper?

Tipper’s got nothing to say.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Are you ascared of other kinds of cats besides the regular kind?


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One thought on “Chickie the Cat Counselor #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

  1. acflory

    June 21, 2020 at 9:11am

    -grin- you tell him, Chickie! I wonder if Tipper could manage going out on a leash? I know it sounds awful but I’ve seen pics of cats that do. Anyway, I’m glad you were so sensible, Chickie. 🙂

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    • Marian Allen

      June 21, 2020 at 2:56pm

      We’ve taken them out on leashes before. They tolerate it well. But we’re afraid one of the semi-feral cats will come up and ours will a) take off after them, trailing a hanging hazard or b) climb us to get away. So…. It’s a good idea, and it would work for these two, but….

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