Life After Test #1LinerWeds

Middle Grandson is taking college calculus this year. From home. He studied and studied and studied and studied and then he studied some more. Then he took the test.

When he came to the kitchen for his next meal, he was pretty wrung out. His mother apologized for not having put enough seasoning in whatever the main dish was.

With an air of utter gloom, he intoned:

Tastes like life: dull, bland, and hopeless.

This post is part of Linda G. Hill’s weekly blog hop, One-Liner Wednesday. If you have a one-liner or just like them, follow the link.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Life After Test #1LinerWeds

  1. Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

    December 23, 2020 at 1:21pm

    Calculus isn’t ‘fun’ to learn, especially not how it was taught in my math classes in prep and at the National Autonomous University of Mexico at the School of Physics from a TA based on class notes ONLY (there was no textbook!), but it is one of the most amazing parts of math once you figure out how and why to use it. I wish him well with his mathematics future.

    I hope there are better methods now. All the steps used to teach it must appeal to some minds – and they design the curricula – but I’d find something interactive to play with, and maybe some Youtube videos on making it more visual. Surely the methods must have improved to get it into your brain.

    For the record, I remember doing a Skype call with our youngest daughter from Cancun at least twice to help her learn it at RPI while we were on vacation (on of the way too few times).

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 23, 2020 at 2:41pm

      Middle Grandson is a sophomore in college. His mother says he’s doing well in calc, he just wore himself out studying. His interest is physics, but he has to learn calculus first.

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      • Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

        December 23, 2020 at 6:33pm

        Calculus makes modern physics possible.

        The nice thing about calculus and differential equations is that they allow you to solve many cases in a world where problems are usually too complex to be ‘solved’ except by high-speed computers.

        And they give you a ‘feel’ for the answers that helps think about the problems.

        I still frame the answers to many of my questions about the world (such as how much heat is our outdoor pool losing to the atmosphere when they don’t remember to cover it). Heat=cost to the residents. Other cost, having someone on staff put the cover on.

        But the mathematical thinking doesn’t go away.

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        • Author

          Marian Allen

          December 24, 2020 at 8:42am

          I’ll have to read up on calculus. #4 Daughter used to have a friend who was into mathematical theory, and the little he could help me to understand was beautiful.

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  2. Dan Antion

    December 23, 2020 at 5:13pm

    Calculus is tough, but fundamental to other sciences. The foundation of a house is boring, but it must be perfect. Just add more garlic to the soup.

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  3. joey

    January 12, 2021 at 6:23pm

    The young people, they suffer so. 🙁 I can tell that one has a good brain and I wish him the best!

    My kids did calc. Most of them AP calc. I can’t do AP addition, let alone calculus!

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