Because It’s October #MondayRecommends #NailArt

A couple of years ago, friend and fellow writer Chrissy (E. Chris) Garrison posted on Facebook that she re-reads a certain book every October. Gotta love Chrissy: She’s not only a super person, she’s a REALLY GOOD writer, and she brews beer. So….

The book is Roger Zelazny’s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER. I bought a copy, either loaned it out or lost it, and have now bought another copy which I will guard with my life. I will also continue to re-read it every October, as many people do.

Told from the point of view of Jack the Ripper’s dog, Snuff, it chronicles the politicking, diplomacy, espionage, and assassinations that take place every October between those who want to open the portal to the place where the Elder Gods prowl and those who want to keep the portal closed. It features most of the Universal Monsters and The Great Detective, in addition to a number of animal companions pursuing their own agendas.

In other words, a book right up my dark alley.

Here are my nails this week. Not spooky (or, as Middle Grandson put it when he was wee, pooky), but cozy plaid. In my mind, the plaid is flannel. I KNOW I haven’t finished my clean-up, I KNOW I can’t stamp straight lines fer snakes, and I KNOW my pictures are barely in focus. Hire a lawyer and sue me.

My yellow base coat and stamp is Hit The Bottle’s From the Ground Up. My blue base coat is Lacquer is in the air’s Hey Pauli (lacquer in the air doesn’t sound healthy, does it?). Hey Pauli wouldn’t pick up, so my blue stamp is Maniology’s Glass. Or maybe it’s Class. I need my glasses changed. ANYWAY, the plates I used were MoYou London’s Hipster Collection – 06 and Maniology’s M164.

And remember: If you buy anything from Maniology, use my discount code of MomGoth10 for 10% off your purchase.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Animal companions have agenda that run counter to the agendas of their humans.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Because It’s October #MondayRecommends #NailArt

  1. Dan Antion

    October 11, 2021 at 8:01am

    It sounds like an interesting book. Those are certainly beautiful nails.

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  2. joey

    October 29, 2021 at 11:46am

    Squiggly plaid is extra texture and high detail, I likey!

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