Love Song For The Red Planet #MondayRecommends #NailArt

Yesterday was Red Planet Day. Now, y’all ought to know by now that my imaginary fiction planetary boyfriend is Mars. I also love the writing (usually) of Kim Stanley Robinson. Sometimes he gets a bit –okay, sometimes VERY– pedantic. But that’s not entirely bad, because it gives me the chance to use the word “pedantic”.

ANYWAY, one of my favorite Mars explorations is KSR’s MARS trilogy: RED MARS, GREEN MARS, and BLUE MARS.

In my opinion, in this trilogy, Robinson manages a perfect mix of characterization, action, and plausible (to me, anyway) science. Maybe not his way of covering many generations’ worth of time with the same characters by making science enabling them to “live a thousand years”, but whatever. At least he addresses the problems that would cause among the general population, who can’t afford to live a thousand years. He also addressed Earth’s global warming crisis when most of us were whistling and pretending it didn’t exist.

So here are my nails this week:

The blue basecoat is Maniology’s Teardrop. The silver base coat is Maniology’s So Metal. The blue crackle over the silver is Sally Hansen Crackle Overcoat Wave Break. The starbursts on the silver/crackle nails are in Maniology’s Teardrop off Maniology X Kelly Marrissa BM-XL213 stamping plate. The planets are Sharpie art: Color the stamp engraving with a Sharpie, put a dot of So Metal (silver generally works better for me than anything else) next to it, scrape the silver over the Sharpie ink, pick up (all this VERY QUICKLY), and stamp. The planet stamp is from Maniology’s M024.

And remember, if you buy from Maniology, use my discount code of MomGoth10 for 10% off your purchase.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Do you have a favorite planet?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Love Song For The Red Planet #MondayRecommends #NailArt

  1. Dan Antion

    November 29, 2021 at 8:20am

    What a production with those nails, but they came out nice. You have a little otherworldly look going.

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