Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what?
Another kind of animal got into the house and made Momma mad. It’s called an assohl, and it’s very naughty. Chickie and I don’t know what kind of animal it is, but we think Adi knows, because Momma looked right at her and said, “Some assohl got onto the table and clawed through the bread bag and messed with the bread.”
So I went looking for it.

I thought maybe it was an animal I already knew with another name.

Momma and #4 Hooman Sister said they used to play with two little plastic deer named Pickles and Freckles, and one of them was shy and good and one of them was naughty, so I wondered….

Momma told me I shouldn’t worry about it, that assohles can be dangerous, but this one isn’t.
I curled up on my window seat, but I had rucked it up, and it was hard to get comfortable.

Momma straighted my bed out for me, and that was much better.

Momma got this seat for Adi, but she never uses it anymore, so I’m King of the Mountain!

But you all know my favorite place to hang out.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Is there a sneaky, naughty assohl in your house?
September 18, 2023 at 9:23amLovely to see my favourite boy again. 🙂 Pity you couldn’t catch that terrible creature, but I’m sure your Momma appreciated the snuggles.
Marian Allen
September 19, 2023 at 3:01pmI love the snuggles, and he’s been giving me plenty, now that the weather is cool. lol
Dan Antion
September 16, 2023 at 7:59amAwww, that looks like the bets place to sleep. You’re pretty clever, Tipper, to notice that “You don’t snooze, you lose.”
Marian Allen
September 19, 2023 at 2:59pmHe says he’s the smart one.