Sunday Snapshot: The Stolen Grave

#SundaySnapshot #cats #writingprompt

It isn’t actually the grave that was stolen, just the marker.

When Mom’s younger cat died, somebody gave her a stone cat that looked like him, and her older cat loved on it all the time. Then Mom passed, and I took in her cat and the stone. When Mom’s older cat died, we buried her in the back and put the stone on her grave to mark it. Then Charlie rescued a teeny kitten from his toolshed, but she only lived for a couple of weeks in spite of all we and the vet could do. Her name was Daisy. Next thing I knew, Charlie told me he had moved the stone to mark Daisy’s grave. He thought I would be mad, but I wasn’t.

Can you see it, out there in the fog?


A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Something you only have briefly but miss forever.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Sunday Snapshot: The Stolen Grave

  1. acflory

    February 26, 2024 at 8:47pm

    What a lovely story. I remember how much Charlie loved Daisy. And I remember the gorgeous photos you took of them. All my furbabies are buried under rose bushes except for one, Pippi, who took herself off and didn’t come back. I never did find her body and I grieve for that to this day. but. Pippi had a real mind of her own. She’d been sick for quite a long time, and stayed with me as long as she could. That last night, I left her on my recliner. I thought she was too groggy and weak to get down. When I came out in the morning she was gone, like a little puff of black smoke. My little Minion. I have a rose /for/ her though. Never forgotten.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      February 27, 2024 at 9:25am

      Oh, I know how Pippi’s vanishment must have hurt! You never quite stop looking for them to wander back up. <3 -hugs-

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