Christmas In July Day 2: Vegan Recipe

#vegan #vegetarian #recipe #writingprompt

This post is part of Teagan Geneviene’s Christmas In July blog hop. #ChristmasInJuly

Teagan suggests we post a recipe, so here’s one. It went over well, so I can recommend it.

Thursday night is the Community Unity International Christmas party. After the meeting, we have a pitch-in late supper of international dishes. I’ve been thinking about what Imma take, and I’ve decided to take a French dish: white bean cassoulet.

Naturally, I’m not going to make it like any of the recipes I’ve found for it. Here’s the plan:


  • garlic-infused olive oil
  • green onions (because I have some)
  • mushrooms (ditto)
  • carrots, cut into pieces
  • potatoes, ditto
  • canned beans, prolly navy, Great Northern and maybe garbanzo
  • herbs (bay leaves? marjoram? lemongrass?)
  • veggie bouillon/water about a cup
  • white wine

Heat oil in large skillet to medium heat. Cook onions until soft. Add veg and some bouillon. Cover and let simmer about 5 minutes. Put into slow cooker. Drain and rinse beans and add. Add herbs and a slurp of white wine. Cover and cook on low a couple of hours. If it’s too sloppy, I might throw in a handful of quick barley.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Your main character is decorating for a winter holiday. What is the most important decoration and why?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Christmas In July Day 2: Vegan Recipe

  1. Dan Antion

    July 4, 2024 at 2:22pm

    Of all the beans there are, white beans and black beans are the ones l like (but not garbanzos). I’d try a bit of this.

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  2. Teagan Riordain Geneviene

    July 2, 2024 at 11:48am

    Thanks for this recipe, Marian. I haven’t had white beans in ages — it sounds great.
    I love your prompt. I’ll try to add it to my weekend post. The Story Reading Ape had suggested a lemon tree as a “thing” for an image collage I wanted to make. Now I think that’s a decoration that Lulu would like… along with a lemony cocktail! Great prompt. Big hugs.

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