#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #whitecats #Tipper #TipperLordSnowbottom #SirSniffsalot
Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what?
Momma put a chair onna front porch and hid behind a post and a big boy deer cat came close and she got a picture of him without a window inna way!

She said he was very handsome, so I showed her what handsome really is!

Also, cute.

I can do impressions, too. Here I am, acting like one of the giraffes in Momma’s statue that #2 Hooman Sister gave her.

Momma was very impressed, and said that I’m a cat of many talents.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Can you do impressions?
Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt
September 11, 2024 at 4:01amTruly beautiful and elegant cat you are, Tipper.
It has been a week, a month, a year – kind of wiped out – have hopes for the future, tempered by recent overwhelming experiences in the medical field, not even for me: husband, and both daughters. Pneumonia, heart procedures, surgery. May be out of the woods, but I haven’t done any of mine in a very long time, and I really need to see the eye doctor and the dentist.
Marian Allen
September 11, 2024 at 8:18amOh, Alicia! HUGS!!! I just got new glasses after my cataract follow-up, and got new hearing aids yesterday. I’m almost overwhelmed by sounds; the audiologist said I might need to turn them down at first, since my hearing had deteriorated so much. I hear the traffic thousands of yards away. I hear the dehumidifier IN THE BASEMENT. On the plus side, I can hear the birds again.
September 8, 2024 at 7:58pmYou are a very handsome boy, and talented as well. Tell your Mum I love the pics of you, especially the ones of you being cute. Go Tipper!
Marian Allen
September 10, 2024 at 12:11pmHe’s my best boi! 🙂