Monday Recommends and Nail Art: Dragons and Cats

#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt

I was poking around Tony Self’s blog and saw a comment on it by Trent Lewin and followed it to his blog (Trent Lewin: Fiction, and other made-up stories). Y’all.

Some of my Sweet Little Baby Angels think “literary” means “a written piece in which nothing happens”, but those SLBA’s are so, so wrong, as Lewin’s magnificent story “Dragon Boy” proves beyond a doubt. Story or essay, Lewin pulls all the strings that connect my mind and my feels. I’m looking forward to wallowing in my subscription to his posts.

I’m still snowed in, with my car in the drive-in basement at the bottom of a snowy gravel drive. My two neighbors (two of my beloved daughters), are able to access the drive out, they and their partners having shoveled all 1000+ feet of the flat. So I have food and such, no problems. In fact, things aren’t that much different from my normal life, except that I’m out of beer.

ANYWAY, my nails this week celebrate two of my favorite things to enjoy when snowed in (and when not snowed in), cats and books. Base color is red, stamping is Acorn (very dark brown) and BAM! White.

Long-time readers will recognize Adi, Tipper, and Chickie.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: A dragon in the snow.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Monday Recommends and Nail Art: Dragons and Cats

  1. Dan Antion

    January 19, 2025 at 9:59am

    I’m glad you got the drive shoveled, and I love those nails!

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