Mixed Marriage Meal #Treyf and Prolly Not

Back last fall, when we fell off the turnip wagon and bought a third of a half of a hog, we got what they called “sliced ham”. The “ham” meant smoked but not cured, which is what we used to call “green shoulder”. The “sliced” meant that each pound of “sliced” ham meant one YYYUUUUUGE slice, rolled up into a cylinder.

ANYWAY, I thawed one and unrolled it. I had cooked one previously as if it were ham, and that wasn’t quite satisfactory to me. This time, I sprinkled the “slice” with thyme, spread it with apricot jam, and studded it with sliced garlic. I dusted it with salt (would have used pepper, too, but Charlie, so I peppered mine on my plate), rolled it back up, tucked it into a bread loaf pan, and roasted it.

It looked funny, but it tasted great!

If I had it to do again, I would roast it lower than 375 and for longer than an hour. Low and slow would have done even better. It also produced a lot of seasoned water that made a terrific soup stock.

Now, you would think that someone with a mind like mine would pair green ham with eggs, but I didn’t.

I cubed some summer squash and boiled it in unsalted water. When it was tender, I added some Stovetop Stuffing mix (we like the cornbread variety) and margarine, and let it sit until it firmed up. If I make it again, I’ll season the squash’s water, drain it, and add fresh water for the stuffing mix. The squash itself was bleh.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write about a marriage or close alliance of some definition of a “mismatched” pair.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Mixed Marriage Meal #Treyf and Prolly Not

  1. Dan Antion

    July 5, 2017 at 7:11am

    The ham thingie sounds pretty good. The squish sounds good, too. Especially mixed with stuffing. I’m trying to think if the Mrs. ever unseasons stuff. I don’t think so, but I’ll check. Actually, she might have sauteed the squis in butter before adding to stuffing.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      July 5, 2017 at 1:00pm

      I think the squish would have been MUCH better the way your Mrs. would have made them. Duly noted.

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  2. joey

    July 5, 2017 at 10:02pm

    I lurve the idea of squash with cornbread stuffing — Did you think of that yourself?!? That’s brill. Imma try that, too.
    I can pass on the ham. I eat ham maybe 2-3 times a year. I make up for it in bacon though. Prolly average a piece of bacon a week. And by that, I mean, not so much bacon and then BLTs five times a week for a month, lol! It’s the OMG THE TOMATOES ARE RIPE food of choice for me πŸ™‚

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      July 6, 2017 at 8:25am

      I did think of the squash with cornbread stuffing. Sometimes I bake it after and call it a casserole. Is goood.

      My husband’s mother was a Smith, and they are widely known in Eastern Kentucky as ham eaters. πŸ˜‰ We hadn’t had ham or bacon in the house for years before I bought this pork share. We had been using that pre-cooked bacon that you finish off in the microwave, and one day we made BLTs that were SO GOOD, and then discovered I had forgotten to take the bacon out of the microwave. Now we mostly have PLTs — pickles, lettuce, and tomato. πŸ˜€

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