Sounds creepy, doesn’t it? But it’s really rather annoying.
I’ve gotten used to our dog coming with me. Charlie wants him to, on the grounds that the big gallumpher will warn any lurking serpents away from my path. That might happen. If they don’t run away from his lumbering, they’ll run from my screaming, “Don’t step on any mushrooms! Don’t sit on any, either! Especially don’t sit on any!”
Now, my cat has decided to come, too. I never would have thought that little miss priss would come out into the woods, but, now that I think of it, that’s exactly what Aunt Rose said when I moved over here.
I can tell you one thing: If I tripped and fell and cracked my head, there wouldn’t be any of that, “Timmy’s down the well” stuff going on. Joe would probably go back to his dog den in the potting shed and take a nap, and Katya would be all, “Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? OM nom nom nom!”
So I did find some mushrooms. Our friend, Daniel Scott, just called to tell me he found a BIG PATCH of morels. I was like, “Oh, how lovely for you!” Inside, I was going, “Lord, deliver thou me from the Deadly Sin of Envy. Thou didst already deliver me from the Deady Sin of Gluttony by NOT LETTING ME FIND A BIG PATCH, myself. So, thanks for that.”
I did find some, though. Can you find two in this picture, without enlarging it?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go look at Daniel’s Facebook pictures of his haul. All joking aside, I’m delighted to have another happy thing to share with a friend. 🙂
WRITING PROMPT: What are you doing in the woods?
March 18, 2012 at 5:53pmI hid instead of going into the Wood.
Marian Allen
March 18, 2012 at 6:28pmGood choice. You go into the woods, you come back with ticks. Yuck. Throw some glitter on ’em and call ’em Edward, and they’re still icky.
March 17, 2012 at 10:03amI’m envious that you get to go mushroom hunting at all. So much fun. Your menagerie of company is adorable!
Marian Allen
March 18, 2012 at 8:24amThe season is all too short. 🙂