When I make a grilled cheese sammich, I take two pieces of multi-grain bread, put a slice of artisanal cheese between them, and grill it in my contact grill. If I’m feeling decadent, I’ll spray it on both sides with butter-flavored spray.
I like this very much.
The other day, I got a grilled cheese sammich in a cafeteria, and I remembered what a grilled cheese sammich is supposed to be:
Two pieces of nutrition-free white bread with a big ol’ slab of Velveeta cheese product between them, practically deep-fried in butter. The result is a combination of delicate crunch and gooshy squoosh that leaves your face and fingers coated with salty, greasy crumbs.
Oh. My. God. I couldn’t eat those regularly anymore, but it made me so happy!
Here’s to comfort food eaten so seldom that it really is a comfort.
I’m posting today at The Write Type on the subject of Dealing With Writer’s Block.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character eats a childhood version of something he or she now eats more responsibly or more “respectably”.