Hey, there! How do? Lonnie Carter — pleased to meet you.
I heard my buddy Tiny telling about me and Leona, and how she’s a hard-shell Baptist and all and I ain’t. I know Tiny don’t do this, but some guys act like Leona wears the pants between us, but that ain’t how it is. Don’t nobody wear pants at our house. Daggone it, you know what I mean — ain’t nobody the boss of nobody.
No, sir, me and Leona get along just fine. Sure, she’s got her notions about what’s okay and what ain’t okay, and I go along with it at home to keep the peace, but that don’t mean she runs the show. I do everwhat I want to when she ain’t around. Me and Tiny hoist a few brewskis over at him and Mary Lee’s place while we’re watching a game or whatever. And I’ve been known to dance. Tiny’ll tell you.
Leona’s friends ask her what she sees in me — I’ve heard ’em, when they thought I wasn’t paying no attention. She tells ’em I’m a good man and a good husband and I make her laugh. If them ain’t pretty fair reasons to keep a guy around, I’d like to know what is.
Say, you oughta go over and look at Laughing At Life, 2. It’s perty dern funny.
Lonnie, Tiny, Leona, and Mary Lee are all in the short story, “Lonnie, Me and the Hound of Hell”, part of a collection by the same name (99 cents American). I’m working on a collection of Lonnie and Tiny stories, and hope it’ll be out this year (2015).
Meanwhile, you can buy LONNIE, ME AND THE HOUND OF HELL all over the place. Electronic versions only, at the moment.
Buy it for the Kindle at Amazon.
Buy it for the Nook.
Buy it for iTunes.
Buy it in other electronic formats at Smashwords.
I’m posting at Fatal Foodies today about how to make coffee without a pot.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: What do your main character’s best friend’s friends think of your main character?
Rosie Amber
April 14, 2015 at 11:35amLovely to meet you, dropping in from the A to Z I have given your blog a shout out on my own letter today. https://rosieamber.wordpress.com/
Marian Allen
April 14, 2015 at 11:54amThanks, Rosie! I’ll hop over and visit you! 🙂
April 14, 2015 at 9:48amI have to agree with Lonnie, ain’t nobody telling me what to do. But they sure do make a lot of suggestions!
Marian Allen
April 14, 2015 at 11:56amlol! I’m a-telling you to be at the usual place at the usual time tomorrow. If, you know, possible and agreeable to you. Only if you want to. Okay? –AND I MEAN IT, MISSY!
April 15, 2015 at 7:27amSorry, girl.
See ya soon-ish.
Marian Allen
April 15, 2015 at 8:57amYerp. We’ll hoist a couple to the past.