Family Harmony #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE!

I’ve been keeping an eye on Mommy, making sure she and my #4 Hooman Sister don’t watch anything inapopiat on the telebision.

Mommy and #4 are still doing their nails, so decided I needed to do my claws and dragged #4’s nail file onto the floor. Mommy stopped me. I guess she likes to clip my claws herself. If it means that much to her, I’ll let her do it.

Tipper and I have been getting along real good. Mommy said two good cats like us deserved great Christmas presents, so she gave us some torn paper and a used ribbon! Isn’t that great! What a wonderful holiday!

What’s that?
No, srsly, what’s that?
It’s nothing. Zzzzzz….

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Were you good this week? Did you get presents?


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One thought on “Family Harmony #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

  1. acflory

    December 26, 2020 at 5:36pm

    We wrapped up Golli and Harry’s Christmas treats in proper xmas paper but they were much more interested in a bit of string. Of course, someone was making the string wibble and wobble…:D

    Glad you and Tipper had a great Christmas, Chickie. -hugs-

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    • Marian Allen

      December 27, 2020 at 9:41am

      I used to wrap my first cat, Tiffany’s, presents in proper paper and put them under the tree with the rest. She always dug them out and messed with the packages, but only her own. She never messed with anybody else’s.

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      • acflory

        December 27, 2020 at 9:50pm

        hah! how did she know? Could she smell the presents? My guys have never made the connection. πŸ™

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        • Marian Allen

          December 28, 2020 at 9:26am

          I’m guessing she could smell similarities between her toys and her presents. But she was kind of an otherworldly cat. She sounded like an elephant coming down the stairs, and felt like the weight of the world when she stepped on my ribcage or belly, but she was otherwise weightless. #1 SIL called her The Styrofoam Kitty. And she could levitate from the porch to the balcony when another cat was chasing her. πŸ˜€

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          • acflory

            December 28, 2020 at 3:12pm

            lmao! She sounds a bit like Pippi. She was always tiny, but fierce. She was my Rambo Kitty. -hugs-

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