On Beyond Mars #BookReview #MondayRecommends #NailArt #HelloManiology

Back when it came out in paperback, I read and LOVED Andy Weir’s THE MARTIAN, because Mars. Also: potatoes.

When I saw he had a new book coming out, I preordered it. Then I forgot I had preordered it and, as soon as it came out in hardback, I ordered it. In hardback! The preorder arrived two hours after I had placed that second order, and I thought: What the fork? But it was my own forgetfulness that had caused the anomaly, not corporate creepiness, so that’s all right.

ANYWAY, the new book isn’t quite as good as the first because not Mars and no potatoes, but still most excellent because space and science. Plus, my very most favorite thing in science fiction: non-humanoid aliens. Oh — the name of the book is PROJECT HAIL MARY. For anybody who doesn’t know, a “hail Mary” is a desperate, last-ditch effort that is probably, but not definitely, doomed to fail.

In this case, it’s a space mission to discover a way to save Earth from planet-wide destruction. Prime obstacle: The long-term induced coma used to carry the science expert through the trip has left his brains a little scrambled. He doesn’t remember where he is or what he’s supposed to do or why he’s supposed to do it.

That gradually passes, and we learn his backstory and mission along with him, as he sciences his way through … well … no more spoilers, but just say lots of sciencey adventures.

I would have liked more character development in his companion in jeopardy, but the book is already 475 pages long; if it were any longer, I would have broken my nose if I had gone to sleep reading it in bed.

Highly recommended!

Here are my nails this week. The base is BLK‘s Don’t Go To Sleep!, stamped with Maniology‘s Unicorn Horn and Bam! White. The plate is Maniology MXM051 — that’s exclusive to Mani X Me members, but Maniology has tons of super flower plates! Remember to use my coupon code MomGoth10 for 10% off your order (except for sales and subscription boxes).

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Write about space — outer, inner, gardening, any kind.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “On Beyond Mars #BookReview #MondayRecommends #NailArt #HelloManiology

  1. acflory

    May 18, 2021 at 11:54pm

    I really enjoyed The Martian too, and long before Andy Weir became another poster boy for Indie success stories. The only thing I didn’t completely like was the characterisation. Sometimes the character’s reactions, or lack there of, felt a little robotic, but I have a thing about character driven stories. I’ll check out the new book. πŸ™‚

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      May 19, 2021 at 9:33am

      Hard science fiction has traditionally been short on characterization, so this one was an explosion of feels by comparison. Besides, I could justify it as 1) the natural intellectualization of response natural in someone who has qualified for a space mission and 2) a coping mechanism. Also, Charlie tended to jump into his head and close the door in response to emotional distress, so it rang true for me.

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      • acflory

        May 20, 2021 at 12:34am

        Aaaah. The male stoic. My Dad was a bit like that, as in he never discussed emotional things, but he never withdrew so I’ve never experienced that side of the male psyche. πŸ™‚ They’re a strange breed aren’t they?

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        • Author

          Marian Allen

          May 20, 2021 at 8:41am

          It wasn’t so much that he was STOIC, he just intellectualized situations that other people responded to emotionally. Not very helpful to be told to get a grip when one is having a meltdown, but it got me through childbirth, so I can’t really complain.

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            • Author

              Marian Allen

              May 21, 2021 at 10:16am

              Oh, nobody has to ask me to overshare! I did natural childbirth, as many women do, and I was … let’s say “objecting vociferously” to the pain. He said if I didn’t get myself under control, he’d have to leave. So I got myself under control and did my breathing like I learned in childbirth class. The result was #4 Daughter, the amazing Sara Marian. the crowd goes wild

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              • acflory

                May 22, 2021 at 2:48am

                lmao – man, that was tough love! I think mine was hugely relieved when I had to have an emergency caesar. To be honest, by then, so was I.
                Hi #4 πŸ™‚

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  2. circadianreflections

    May 18, 2021 at 9:09am

    I liked The Martian so watched the movie and liked it too! They did a great job of following the book. I’ll check out the blurb on the jacket cover on this new one. Thanks for recommendation!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      May 18, 2021 at 11:27am

      You’re most welcome. Thanks for the recommendation on the movie. Now I MUST see it. Mars. Potatoes. Matt Damon. A triple threat!

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    • Author
      • Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

        May 18, 2021 at 7:33pm

        Too much temptation, but thanks. I’ll get the ebook one of these days, when the pressure drops a lot – I’m guarding every bit of energy for now to finish everything I need to do, cover included, and planning a launch campaign, and advertising… for NETHERWORLD.

        I will take a break before the last volume – long enough to read a book or two. Unless the momentum keeps up – in which case it will be several more years. I’m exceedingly aware of my energy limitations. And how hard restarting will be. Just having the girls here cost me 3-4 writing days (worth it, of course, but an object lesson none the less). And there is planning going on for a family vacation AND the proper celebration of son’s and DIL’s pandemic-limited nuptials not that far in the future.

        Work first, play later – at least the longer involved playing.

        I still haven’t gotten to my new beta reader’s suggestions, as you know!

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