The Battle Of The Blanket #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE!

I’ve been having hairball trouble, so Mommy got me some hairball medicine. I liked the first lick, but I didn’t like it after that. It’s appoza taste like chicken, but IT DOES NOT. So she smeared some on my paw so I’d have to lick it off. I didn’t lick it off, I flicked it off while I ran through the house. She’s still finding globs of it on the walls and in odd corners. Ha!

Because I was hacking up hairballs on the bed, she put this cover over the blankets that’s blue and slick on one side and white and soft on the other side. Tipper and I both love it! I got on it for my good night time with Mommy, and Tipper jumped up and chased me off! We had a laser-eye contest.

He settled down in my place, and I burrowed under the real blankets and snuck on him.

He was facing the other way, so I creeped up and did a Mommy-laugh pose.

I did a different one the next day, and she laughed again.

Mommy got us some new food that’s supposed to be Hairball Control so she won’t have to (try to) make me take that nasty medicine anymore.

I love Mommy!

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you have to fight for your special place?


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One thought on “The Battle Of The Blanket #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

  1. acflory

    November 14, 2021 at 4:09am

    You are a lucky girl, Chickie. Your Momma tries so hard to keep you happy! And hairball free. Golli gets this brown gel stuff smeared all over his toes when he needs medicine. It looks like brown toothpaste and probably tastes like it too. He doesn’t like it much but he stops eating unless I give him the medicine every now and then. He forgives…eventually. πŸ™‚

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    • Marian Allen

      November 14, 2021 at 10:42am

      This new medicine looks like brown toothpaste, too! I didn’t taste it, but I smelled it, and it doesn’t smell nice at all.

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      • acflory

        November 14, 2021 at 4:54pm

        Meh…I wonder if it’s the same stuff? I feel for you Chickie!

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  2. Dan Antion

    November 13, 2021 at 8:21am

    I hope the food helps. Getting kitties to take medicine is no fun at all for humans either.

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