#MondayRecommends #StoryChat #StoryChatDigest #FreeShortStories @/tc_history_gal/ #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt I’m bragging because I got a flash fiction story accepted by Story Chat Digest and you can read it here. Please check out my story and the entire site. It’s awesome! (the site,…

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Mommy strikes from her blog on Fridays to support climate repair action, so she asked me to write a story yesterday and Chickie to write one today. Here’s mine: Little Cat Lost by Tipper Allen In the…

Jack Wallen is giving his blog over to other writers again, this time for Christmas stories. Not as many people signed up as for the Halloween ones, so he invited us to send more than one story, in case he needs them. The first one…