I love summer! Hate the heat, the humidity, and the bugs, but I love making supper out of whatever’s fresh, ya know? So this because I had these: Leftover rice, cherry tomatoes, okra, and a little Old Bay Seasoning. O.M.G. SO GOOD. I can’t believe…

I love summer! Hate the heat, the humidity, and the bugs, but I love making supper out of whatever’s fresh, ya know? So this because I had these: Leftover rice, cherry tomatoes, okra, and a little Old Bay Seasoning. O.M.G. SO GOOD. I can’t believe…
I’ve since come to love it all kinds of ways, even slimy. Isn’t that strange?
And here’s another thing: Okra blossoms are GORGEOUS! Okra is in the hollyhock/rose-o-sharon family, and it shows.