Snappity snap snap snap! More driving doors! I can’t tell if this house is white or pale yellow, but it’s a pretty house. Plus, there’s a Little Free Library out front! Oh, and that big red butt on the opposite side is a dragon. Damn…

Snappity snap snap snap! More driving doors! I can’t tell if this house is white or pale yellow, but it’s a pretty house. Plus, there’s a Little Free Library out front! Oh, and that big red butt on the opposite side is a dragon. Damn…
Sara and I began watching Once Upon A Time for the fairy tail twists (and Robert Carlyle), but we’re in season 4 of 7 and it gets sillier and sillier — and not on purpose. These days, we’re watching it for one character above all…
I’m proceeding on my journey to veganism, but I had this before I started transitioning. It’s been a favorite, and I look forward to veganizing it. 🙂 Chop a turnip, a small potato, some onion, and some bacon and fry them until the vegetables are…