Christmas In July Day 23: Happy Hanukkah

This post is part of Teagan Geneviene’s Christmas In July blog hop. #Christmastime

#ChristmasInJuly #recipe #food #latkes #writingprompt

Originally posted in December 2010.

Please don’t tell me I spelled this wrong. There are so many ways to spell Hanukkah, I couldn’t list them all without running out of letters.

I’m not Jewish, but who can resist a holiday that’s all about light and joy and fried food? Even poor little Anne Frank and her hidden family had a Hanukkah party.

We had potato latkes for breakfast.


  • shredded potatoes (put on paper towel and press as much moisture out as you can)
  • salt
  • pinch of baking powder
  • bit of flour
  • bit of matzoh meal or bread crumbs
  • egg
  • oil for cooking

Mix well. Should stick together when squished. Make into little cakes and ease into hot oil (the cakes, not you). If you’ve pressed the moisture out LIKE I TOLD YOU TO, they should brown up. Turn them OVER when they’re done on one side! Geez, do I have to tell you EVERYTHING?

Have a good one!

WRITING PROMPT: Have a character celebrate a holiday you don’t celebrate in your culture or family.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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