My Deal Me In deck turned up spades this week, which sent me to Daily Science Fiction.
The story that I read was by Christie Yant of Inkhaven:
The Crow and the Phoenix
by Christie Yant
Set in post-Revolution France, the story tells of a young woman who comes across an apparent grave-robber when she goes to visit her dead lover’s grave. The apparent “crow” attacks her and, in their struggle over his knife, she kills him. In inspecting his gear, she discovers that he was about to perform a ceremony for immortality. She takes his money and his gear, ready to start a new life.
Christie Yant writes and edits science fiction and fantasy on the central coast of California, where she lives with a dancer, an editor, two dogs, three cats, and a very small manticore. Her stories have appeared in anthologies and magazines including Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2011 (Horton), Armored, Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, io9, and, and has received honorable mentions in Year’s Best Science Fiction (Dozois) and Best Horror of the Year (Datlow). In 2014 she edited theWomen Destroy Science Fiction! special issue of Lightspeed Magazine, which won the British Fantasy Award for Best Anthology. She is presently hard at work on a historical fantasy novel set in 19th century Paris, and is learning more about architecture and urban planning than she ever thought she would need to know.
A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Write about someone starting a new life.