One of the nice things about shopping through Market Wagon is being able to order things you can’t get out here in the boonies.
And one of the things I got in my last order was chapatis, a kind of flatbread.

There’s a vegan recipe coming, but first: I had also ordered a rib eye steak, but I’m sorry to say I’m sad to report that it was disappointing. Very … hmmm … well, there’s no way to put this that won’t offend vegetarians, so all vegans and vegetarians should now skip to the next paragraph. It was very heavy on connective tissue or some shit. It was like chewing a silicone hairnet.
Here’s a closer look at the wrapper, so you can see what’s in it. CARROTSSS!

So I ate some of it and, a couple of days later, sliced that piece of crap as thin as I could and sauteed it with mushrooms, onions, garlic, and kale. I heated up a chapati and wrapped the filling in it.

Much better than that steak as steak.
Here’s the vegan thing I made Sunday night. I had to take a super close up of the leftovers, because we ate most of it before I could take a picture.

Yeah! First, I dumped a can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), juice and all, into a saucepan, covered it, and let it low simmer for maybe half an hour, until the liquid was gone. Me, I added Penzeys Sweet Curry (“Hand-mixed from: turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, ginger, nutmeg, fennel, cinnamon, white & black pepper, cardamom, cloves and cayenne.“) to the pot, but you do you.
While that was cooking, I fried some shiitake and portobello mushrooms in a dry pan, then added olive oil, onion, garlic, and kale. When the onions were translucent and the kale was a little wilty, I added the chickpeas and some salt. We wrapped that in chapatis, too.
In other news, I’m working on a Christmas flash fiction for Jack Wallen’s web site. It features … wait for it … Bud Blossom. I know, right?
Anywho, I’m taking vegan to Thanksgiving. I hope I remember to take pictures.
A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Write about something flat.
November 20, 2021 at 4:22pmExcellent description with steak. What is worse than crap sold as steak?
Marian Allen
November 21, 2021 at 10:17amNot much is worse than crap sold as steak. It’s not only expensive and nasty, it’s disappointing.
November 16, 2021 at 12:16pmAh, one of those beans I skip garbanzo. I would switch them for black and relish the meal. Even if there was carrots in my carbs.
Marian Allen
November 17, 2021 at 11:14amWhy do you skip garbanzo beans? Don’t care for them? Charlie disliked garbanzo beans, but I love love love ’em.
Dan Antion
November 16, 2021 at 7:39amI love your never-say-done attitude when it comes to food.
Marian Allen
November 16, 2021 at 7:56amIt’s a challenge, innit?
Michael Hodges
November 16, 2021 at 7:10am“…chewing a silicon hairnet.” 1) I know precisely what you mean, and 2) very likely to be my best laugh of the day.
Vegans and vegetarians… On one hand, to each their own, folks can have their reasons so long as they keep their explanations off my supper table. On that ubiquitous other hand:
a) If God didn’t want us to eat animals He wouldn’t have made them out of food
b) I like to think I’m getting my vegetables from cows, pre-processed (very modern) and organically (very trendy)
c) I like to remind preachy Vegans, whenever I encounter them, that grass chemically “screams” when we mow the lawn, so the same is likely of kale, go chew on that.
Marian Allen
November 16, 2021 at 7:55amI’ve heard a) used as a justification of cannibalism (Flanders and Swann, “The Reluctant Cannibal”. I don’t know any preachy vegans or vegetarians. The ones I know would rather eat the parsley garnish and hope nobody notices than get up in everybody’s face about it. And I’ve been known to remark that vegetables can even HOPE to run away. ON THAT OTHER HAND, veg is delicious.