Gnocchi For Slackers

Okay, yeah, I’m late getting this post up. Hire a lawyer and sue me. Here’s a little hint about how that’ll go:

Me + Money = Turnip – Blood

Anyway, here is a recipe I found through Pinterest. I made it and Middle-Grade grandson said, “That was delicious!” He asked his mother to get the recipe so they could make it together at home. It’s quick and easy, so it’s a natural Like for me.


  • 1 cup instant mashed potato flakes
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 (about) flour
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup or more cheese (I used an Italian blend of Romano, Asiago and Parmesan)
  • salted water for boiling

Mix flakes and hot water, stir just enough to moisten all the flakes and allow to cool a bit. Mix in the egg, seasonings, flour and cheese. The amount of flour is approximate. You want the dough to be soft but not sticky.

Distinctive gnocchi look

Divide the dough into two portions. Roll each portion between your hands to make a rope. Cut the rope into bite-size pieces. If you want to be more authentic about it, roll the back of a fork’s tines along the edge to make the distinctive gnocchi look.

Drop the gnocchi into boiling salted water, a few at a time. Loosen them, if they want to stick to the bottom. When they float to the top and puff up a little, remove them and keep them warm until all the gnocchi are cooked.

You can dress them with butter, olive oil, pesto, or whatever. I always make a honkin’ big bunch of pesto every summer and freeze it, so I used pesto.

The other items on the plate are raw carrots and blue cheese dressing and hummus on the hoof. Here is a link to the Wiki on Gnocchi and here is a link to a more traditional recipe, which is where I got the picture of the distinctive gnocchi.

WRITING PROMPT: Create a juvenile character who will eat foods outside of his or her experience and will want to know how to make it himself or herself. Make the character rounded.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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