#FoodTuesday #SoupAndSalad #soup #salad #cookingwithleftovers #quickandeasy #Vegan #Vegetarian #writingprompt Two things I know: So I bought a Steam-In-Bag of asparagus. It was as nasty as you think. BUT, waste not, want not, so I made asparagus soup. I cut the tips off my leftover spears…

I know some vegans won’t eat honey because it’s an animal product, but I do. It’s a continuum, right? A sliding scale from NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS to ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS. We’re all just trying to get through this vale of tears, so let’s not argue…

I done tol’ you what “speargrass” means: It means “asparagus.” They keep having it at the grocery, and I keep buying it. So we’ve been eating a lot of it lately. Mmmm, so good! Here’s one thing we had. I cooked the mushrooms in a…