#FoodTuesday #SoupAndSalad #soup #salad #cookingwithleftovers #quickandeasy #Vegan #Vegetarian #writingprompt Two things I know: So I bought a Steam-In-Bag of asparagus. It was as nasty as you think. BUT, waste not, want not, so I made asparagus soup. I cut the tips off my leftover spears…

#FoodTuesday #recipesortof #soup #hotandsoursoup @badmannersfood #vegan #vegetarian #writingprompt I have all the Bad Manners cookbooks except the first. I’m certain I bought the first, but I can’t find it, so I guess I’ll have to buy it again. This past week, I made Hot and…

Tuesday Food: Vegan Mushroom Rice Soup #TuesdayFood #vegan #vegetarian #mushroom #rice #soup #recipesortof #recipe #food #cookingwithleftovers So I made some rice and I made some shiitake mushroom, portobello mushroom, and onion fry, and I had some leftover, so I made soup. It’s always soup, stir-fry,…